Source code for carspy.cars_synth

"""Synthesize coherent anti-stokes Raman spectra for common gas species."""
import numpy as np
from .line_strength import LineStrength, linewidth_isolated
from ._constants import univ_const, chi_const
from .convol_fcn import gaussian_line, lorentz_line
from .utils import comp_normalize, eq_comp

[docs]class CarsSpectrum(): """Basic class for synthesizing CARS spectrum.""" def __init__(self, pressure=1, init_comp=None, chi_set="SET 1", **kwargs): """Input sample volume conditions. Parameters ---------- pressure : float, optional Pressure in bars, by default 1. init_comp : dict, optional Initial composition in the measurement volume (prior to chemical reaction). If not given standard air composition is assumed as: .. code-block:: python { 'N2': 0.79, 'Ar': 0.0, 'CO2': 0, 'CO': 0, 'H2': 0, 'O2': 0.21, 'H2O': 0 } chi_set : str, optional Choose from the available set of non-resonant susceptibilities, by default 'SET 1': * 'SET 1': based on CARSFT :cite:`Palmer:89`. * 'SET 2': based on NRC :cite:`Parameswaran:88`. * 'SET 3': based on Eckbreth :cite:`Eckbreth:96`. Other Parameters ---------------- species : str, optional Specify the molecule, by default 'N2'. Currently only supports 'N2'. custom_dict : dict, optional Specify custom molecular constants, by default None. This can be used to modify default molecular constants and/or add custom species. The dictionary should contain all the necessary keys as in the default: .. code-block:: python ['we', 'wx', 'wy', 'wz', 'Be', 'De', 'alpha_e', 'beta_e', 'gamma_e', 'H0', 'He', 'mu', 'MW', 'Const_Raman', 'G/A'] """ self.pressure = pressure if init_comp is None: # Assume air self.init_comp = { 'N2': 0.79, 'Ar': 0.0, 'CO2': 0, 'CO': 0, 'H2': 0, 'O2': 0.21, 'H2O': 0, } else: # normalize the mole fraction to 1 self.init_comp = comp_normalize(init_comp) # initiate line strength factors self.ls_factors = LineStrength(**kwargs) # load Universal constants self.Const_N = univ_const("Const_N") # *1e22 [molecules/cm^3] self.C = univ_const("c") # speed of light # load third order nonresonant susceptibilities self.chi_nrs = chi_const(chi_set)["SPECIES"] self.chi_nrs_T0 = chi_const(chi_set)["T0"] self.chi_nrs_P0 = chi_const(chi_set)["P0"] # load species-specific constants # alpha'/(2*pi*c*v0*m_reduced)^0.5 [*1e-11] self.Const_Raman = self.ls_factors.mc_dict['Const_Raman'] # gamma'/alpha' self.pol_ratio = self.ls_factors.mc_dict['G/A']
[docs] def num_dens(self, temperature): r"""Calculate number density in the probe volume. Parameters ---------- temperature : float Temperature in [K]. Returns ------- float Number density in the probe volume in [:math:`\mathrm{molecules}/\mathrm{cm}^3`]. """ return self.pressure/temperature*self.Const_N
[docs] def chi_nrs_est(self, temperature, local_comp=None): """Calculate effective local nonresonant susceptibility. Parameters ---------- temperature : float Temperature in [K]. local_comp : dict, optional A dictionary of local gas composition (percentile) for the purpose of calculating nonresonant background and collisional narrowing, by default None. If not given, initial composition will be used. """ if local_comp is None: local_comp = self.init_comp local_comp = comp_normalize(local_comp) # Calculate the effective nonresonant susceptibility based on given # composition or air _common_keys = [_key for _key in self.chi_nrs if _key in local_comp] chi_nrs_eff = np.sum([self.chi_nrs[_key]*local_comp[_key] for _key in _common_keys]) # Convert to actual pressure and temperature condition chi_nrs_eff = chi_nrs_eff*( self.pressure/self.chi_nrs_P0*self.chi_nrs_T0/temperature) return chi_nrs_eff
[docs] def trans_amp(self, v, j, branch=0): """Transition amplitude d or polarizability matrix element. It's related to Raman differential scattering cross-section and number density. Note that it is molecule based (divided number density N). Parameters ---------- v : int Vibrational quantum number. j : int Rotational quantum number. branch : int, optional Q, S or O-branch with a value of 0, 2 or -2, by default 0. Returns ------- d_squared : float Transition amplitude squared based on specified v, j and branch. """ # Calculate the line strength factors using the LineStrength class pt_coeff, cd_coeff = self.ls_factors.int_corr(j, branch) # Calculate the branch-dependent d^2 if branch in (2, -2): d_squared = (self.Const_Raman**2*(4/45)*pt_coeff * self.pol_ratio**2*(v+1)*cd_coeff) elif branch == 0: d_squared = self.Const_Raman**2*( 1 + (4/45)*pt_coeff*self.pol_ratio**2)*(v+1)*cd_coeff else: raise ValueError("Branch can only be 0, 2 or -2") return d_squared
[docs] def relax_rate(self, temperature, j_i, j_j, fit_param=None): """Calculate relaxation rates. This is carried out using the modified exponential gap law (MEG) :cite:`Rahn:86`. .. note:: Only considers Q-branch. O- and S-branches are taken as the same as Q-branch. It is also independent of vibrational state. Only valid for N2 at the moment. .. attention:: Due to nuclear-spin selection rules for N2, gamma_ji is zero when (j_j-j_i) is odd. This would need to be adjusted for other types of molecules. Parameters ---------- temperature : float Temperature in [K]. j_i : int Rotational quantum number of the initial state. j_j : int Rotational quantum number of the final state. fit_param : list The four fitting parameters in a list: alpha, beta, sigma, m, default None. Needs to be provided. Returns ------- gamma_ji, gamma_ij : float Upward and downward relaxation rate. """ # Energies of the rovibrational states involved. Ej_i = self.ls_factors.term_values(0, j_i, 'Fv') del_E = self.ls_factors.term_values(0, j_j, 'Fv') - Ej_i # For a transition from j_i to j_j with i<j: if abs(j_i-j_j) % 2 != 0: # For N2 gamma_ji is zero when del_j is odd due to nuclear-spin # selection rules. gamma_ji = 0 gamma_ij = 0 else: alpha, beta, sigma, m = fit_param _term_1 = (1-np.exp(-m))/( 1-np.exp(-m*temperature/295))*(295/temperature)**0.5 _term_2 = ((1+1.5*1.44*Ej_i/temperature/sigma)/( 1+1.5*1.44*Ej_i/temperature))**2 gamma_ji = alpha*self.pressure/1.01325*_term_1*_term_2*np.exp( -beta*del_E*1.44/temperature) gamma_ij = gamma_ji*(2*j_i+1)/(2*j_j+1)*np.exp( del_E*1.44/temperature) return gamma_ji, gamma_ij
[docs] def relax_mat(self, temperature, js=70, mode='MEG'): """Calculate relaxation rate matrix. The matrix elements are calculated using different exponential gap laws. The calculations are conducted for a fixed number of j levels, independent of v or branch. .. note:: The (absolute) diagonal values are the HWHM of Raman linewidth. They are cross checked against NRC report :cite:`Parameswaran:88` on D4-D9 at 1 atm and 1550 K. Parameters ---------- temperature : float Temperature in [K]. js : int, optional Total number of rotational levels to be considered, by default 70. mode : str, optional By default 'MEG' is used. Possible options are: * 'MEG': Modified exponential gap law considering only N2-N2 collisions :cite:`Rahn:86`. The fitting parameters are taken from :cite:`Woyde:90`. * 'EMEG': Extended MEG which weighs the contributions of N2, CO2 and H2O :cite:`Woyde:90` (to be implemented). * 'XMEG': Extended MEG plus vibrational dephasing :cite:`Porter:90` (to be implemented). Returns ------- 2d array with the shape of (js, js) Relaxation matrix with the shape of js x js. """ if mode != 'MEG': raise ValueError('Only MEG available at the moment!') # Define fitting parameters for N2-N2, N2-CO2, N2-H20 # alpha beta, sigma, m # [cm^-1/atm] fit_param_N2 = [0.0231, 1.67, 1.21, 0.1487] # Construct the matrix gamma_mat = np.zeros([js, js]) for _i in range(js): for _j in range(_i+1, js): # i.e., _i<_j gamma_mat[_j, _i], gamma_mat[_i, _j] = self.relax_rate( temperature, _i, _j, fit_param_N2) # Calculate the diagonal for _i in range(js): gamma_mat[_i, _i] = -np.sum(gamma_mat[:, _i]) return gamma_mat
[docs] def peak_check(self, x_mol, temperature, v, j, branch=0, Gamma_j=None): r"""Calculate the theoretical peak intensity. This is done for the specified transition, assuming isolated lines. .. note:: The purpose of this method is to check against the values tabulated in the NRC report :cite:`Parameswaran:88` on D4-D9. The agreement is excellent if x_mol is set to 1 and if the Gamma_j from NRC is used. Parameters ---------- x_mol : float Mole fraction of probed molecule within [0, 1]. temperature : float Temperature in the probe volume. v : int Vibrational quantum number. j : int Rotational quantum number. branch : int, optional Q, S or O-branch with a value of 0, 2 or -2, by default 0. Gamma_j : float, optional Raman linewidth, by default None. When not given, the value will be calculated from :mod:`carspy.line_strength.linewidth_isolated`. Returns ------- float Peak transition amplitude based on specified v, j and branch. """ # Species number density N = x_mol*self.num_dens(temperature) # Raman linewidth (depreciated, use MEG instead) if Gamma_j is None: Gamma_j = linewidth_isolated(self.pressure, temperature, j) # Calculate intensity del_pop = self.ls_factors.pop_factor(temperature, v, j, branch) d_squared = self.trans_amp(v, j, branch) return N*del_pop*d_squared/Gamma_j/(2*np.pi*self.C)
[docs] def chi_rs_gmat(self, nu_s, temperature, vs=3, js=70, branches=(0,), del_Tv=0.): """Resonant susceptibility based on G-matrix. This is implemented following :cite:`Koszykowski:85`. Parameters ---------- nu_s : 1d array of floats Stokes frequencies (i.e., the calculation spectral domain). temperature : float Temperature in [K]. vs : int, optional Total number of vibrational levels to be considered, by default 3. js : int, optional Total number of rotational levels to be considered, by default 70. branches : list of int, optional Branches to be considered, by default (0,) (i.e., only Q-branch). del_Tv : float, optional Absolute difference between vibrational and rotational temperature, by default 0. Returns ------- 1d array (complex) Theoretical resonant contributions (complex) based on G-matrix. """ # Construct the v-branch-independent relaxation rate matrix gamma_mat = self.relax_mat(temperature, js) # For different v-branch combinations _js = np.arange(js) chi_rs = np.zeros_like(nu_s, dtype='complex128') for _branch in branches: for _v in np.arange(vs): # Calculate line positions nu_raman = self.ls_factors.line_pos(_v, _js, branch=_branch) # Construct the K_mat K_mat = np.diag(nu_raman) + gamma_mat*1j # Solve eigenvalue problem of K_mat eigvals, eigvec = np.linalg.eig(K_mat) eigvec_inv = np.linalg.inv(eigvec) # Compute the resonant intensity del_pop = self.ls_factors.pop_factor(temperature, _v, _js, branch=_branch, del_Tv=del_Tv) d = (self.trans_amp(_v, _js, branch=_branch))**0.5 _term_l = d @ eigvec _term_r = eigvec_inv @ np.diag(del_pop) @ d _term = _term_l*_term_r for _j in _js: _term_b = ((-nu_s + np.real(eigvals[_j]))**2 + np.imag(eigvals[_j])**2) # A 1/2 factor is necessary to match the magnitude from # isolated line assumption chi_rs += 1/2*_term[_j]*np.conj( -nu_s + eigvals[_j])/_term_b # A factor of c [cm/s] needs to be considered to convert cm^-1 to s^-1 # by 2*pi*c return chi_rs/2/np.pi/self.C
[docs] def chi_rs_isolated(self, nu_s, temperature, vs=3, js=70, branches=(0, 2, -2), del_Tv=0): """Resonant susceptibility based on isolated line approximation. Parameters ---------- nu_s : 1d array of floats Stokes frequencies (i.e., the calculation spectral domain). temperature : float Temperature in the probe volume. vs : int, optional Total number of vibrational levels to be considered, by default 3. js : int, optional Total number of rotational levels to be considered, by default 70. branches : list of int, optional Branches to be considered, by default (2, -2, 0). del_Tv : float, optional Absolute difference between vibrational and rotational temperature, by default 0. Returns ------- 1d array, 1d array Theoretical resonant contributions (complex) based on isolated line assumption. """ # Construct the v-branch-independent relaxation rate matrix gamma_mat = self.relax_mat(temperature, js) Gamma_js = 2*abs(np.diag(gamma_mat)) # Sum over all the transitions considered _js = np.arange(js) chi_rs = np.zeros_like(nu_s, dtype='complex128') for _branch in branches: for _v in np.arange(vs): # Calculate line positions, population factors, Gamma_j for all # js: nu_raman = self.ls_factors.line_pos(_v, _js, branch=_branch) del_pop = self.ls_factors.pop_factor(temperature, _v, _js, branch=_branch, del_Tv=del_Tv) d_squared = self.trans_amp(_v, _js, branch=_branch) # Calculate resonant contribution from each transition for _j in _js: del_nu = nu_raman[_j] - nu_s chi_rs += del_pop[_j]*d_squared[_j]*( 2*del_nu + Gamma_js[_j]*1j)/( 4*del_nu**2 + Gamma_js[_j]**2) # A factor of c [cm/s] needs to be considered to convert cm^-1 to s^-1 # by 2*pi*c return chi_rs/2/np.pi/self.C
[docs] def signal_as(self, temperature, x_mol=None, nu_s=None, pump_lw=None, synth_mode=None, eq_func=eq_comp, **kwargs): r"""Anti-Stokes signal convoluted with a chosen laser lineshape. .. note:: The Kataoka (or T-K) convolution :cite:`Kataoka:82, Teets:84` is a simplified form derived by :cite:`Farrow:85`. It is essentially an average of convolve(chi, pump)**2 and convolve(chi**2, pump), which takes care of the cross coherence effect. Excellent agreements are found when compared with Figs.13-15 in the NRC report :cite:`Parameswaran:88`. Parameters ---------- temperature : float Temperature in the probe volume. x_mol : float, optional Mole fraction of probed molecule, by default None. nu_s : 1d array of float, optional Stokes frequencies (i.e., the calculation spectral domain), by default None. pump_lw : float, optional Pump laser linewdith (FWHM) in [:math:`\mathrm{cm}^{-1}`], by default None (i.e., no laser convolution is performed). synth_mode : dict, optional A dictionary containing the control parameters for creating the CARS spectrum, by default: pump_ls : 'Gaussian' Choose between pump laser lineshape between 'Gaussian' and 'Lorentzian'. chi_rs : 'G-matrix' The method to compute resonant susceptibility: 'isolated' or 'G-matrix' (collisional narrowing). convol : 'Kataoka' or 'K' Two ways to convolve the laser line with the resonant CARS susceptibilities: * 'Yuratich' or 'Y': One convolution, no cross coherence effects accounted for :cite:`Yuratich:79`. * 'Kataoka' or 'K': Cross-coherence convolution, following :cite:`Kataoka:82, Teets:84`. This is necessary if pump linewidth is comparable to the Raman linewidth (as is often the case at low T) and if nonresonant contribution competes with resonant signal. doppler_effect : True Whether or not to take into account additional Doppler broadening. chem_eq : False Whether or not to assume chemical equilibrium. If True, an `eq_func` needs to be provided. eq_func : func, optional A function used to calculate local gas composition based on temperature and initial gas composition. Default is a simple template employing `cantera`. Other Parameters ---------------- vs : int, optional Total number of vibrational levels to be considered, by default 3. js : int, optional Total number of rotational levels to be considered, by default 70. branches : list of int, optional Branches to be considered, by default (2, -2, 0). del_Tv : float, optional Absolute difference between vibrational and rotational temperature, by default 0. Returns ------- 1d array of floats, 1d array of floats Spectral locations in wavenumbers and theoretical CARS spectrum. If pump_lw is not specified, I_as needs to be multiplied by 1e-30 to retain its actual physical magnitude in [:math:`\mathrm{cm}^3/\mathrm{erg}`]. """ if synth_mode is None: self.synth_mode = {'pump_ls': 'Gaussian', 'chi_rs': 'G-matrix', 'convol': 'Kataoka', 'doppler_effect': False, 'chem_eq': False, } else: self.synth_mode = synth_mode if x_mol is None: x_mol = self.init_comp[self.ls_factors.species] if self.synth_mode['chem_eq']: gas_comp = eq_func(temperature, self.pressure, self.init_comp) gas_comp = comp_normalize(gas_comp) N_species = gas_comp[ self.ls_factors.species]*self.num_dens(temperature) chi_nrs = self.chi_nrs_est(temperature, local_comp=gas_comp)*1e-18 self.local_comp = gas_comp else: # Species number density N_species = x_mol*self.num_dens(temperature) # Estimated nonresonant contribution based on given gas composition chi_nrs = self.chi_nrs_est(temperature)*1e-18 # Specify the spectral domain if nu_s is None: # Ideally the grid should be much finer to correctly cover the # high-J transitions nu_s = np.linspace(2260, 2345, num=10000) # Compute the resonant contribution if self.synth_mode['chi_rs'] == 'isolated': chi_rs = self.chi_rs_isolated(nu_s, temperature, **kwargs) elif self.synth_mode['chi_rs'] == 'G-matrix': chi_rs = self.chi_rs_gmat(nu_s, temperature, **kwargs) else: raise ValueError("Unknown method. Only 'isolated' or 'G-matrix' " "are available") # Compute the signal without pump laser convolution chi = (N_species*chi_rs + chi_nrs)*1e15 # Consider Doppler broadening if self.synth_mode['doppler_effect']: _lw = self.ls_factors.doppler_lw(temperature) _ls = gaussian_line(nu_s, (nu_s[0]+nu_s[-1])/2, _lw) chi = np.convolve(chi, _ls, 'same') I_as = np.abs(chi)**2 # Convolution with pump laser profile if pump_lw is not None: pump = [] # Compute the pump laser line if self.synth_mode['pump_ls'] == 'Gaussian': pump = gaussian_line(nu_s, (nu_s[0]+nu_s[-1])/2, pump_lw) elif self.synth_mode['pump_ls'] == 'Lorentzian': pump = lorentz_line(nu_s, (nu_s[0]+nu_s[-1])/2, pump_lw) # Compute the convolution with Yuratich method (one convolution) if self.synth_mode['convol'] in ('Yuratich', 'Kataoka', 'Y', 'K'): I_as = np.convolve(I_as, pump, 'same') # Compute the convolution with Kataoka method (two convolutions) if self.synth_mode['convol'] in ('Kataoka', 'K'): chi_convol = np.convolve(chi, pump, 'same') # A correction factor is needed for the convolve(A)**2 v.s. # convolve(A**2) _corr = nu_s[1] - nu_s[0] I_as = 1/2*(I_as + _corr*np.abs(chi_convol)**2) return nu_s, I_as