
Here is a short guide to using carspy in a project:


Import necessary modules

from carspy import CarsSpectrum, CarsFit
from carspy.utils import downsample
from carspy.convol_fcn import asym_Gaussian

Additional modules

numpy and matplotlib are also used in this demo.

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

Synthesize CARS spectra

Initialize the parameters

Following is the standard procedure to start syntheiszing a spectrum. By default, the set of nonresonant susceptibilities used is taken from CARSFT [Pal89] (“Set 1”). Details regarding the choices can be found in the module documentation. Custom values can be used by modifying the following attributes:

  • .chi_nrs (a dictionary of species names and nonresonant susceptiblities),

  • .chi_nrs_T0 (standard temperature for the susceptibilities),

  • .chi_nrs_P0 (standard pressure for the susceptibilities)

# set the modes used to generate the spectrum
synth_mode = {'pump_ls': 'Gaussian',  # pump laser lineshape
              'chi_rs': 'G-matrix',   # solve G-matrix
              'convol': 'Kataoka',    # Kataoka convolution (convolve twice)
              'doppler_effect': True, # convolution with Doppler broadening
              'chem_eq': False}       # Not assume chemical equilibrium

# (optional) initial gas composition
init_comp = {'N2': 0.79,
             'Ar': 0.0,
             'CO2': 0,
             'CO': 0,
             'H2': 0,
             'O2': 0.21,
             'H2O': 0,
             'CH4': 0}

# initialize the spectrum
cars = CarsSpectrum(pressure=1, 
                    chi_set="SET 1")

Create the spectrum

Try varying the temperature and other parameters to see the changes in the CARS spectrum.

# define the spectral range
nu = np.linspace(2260, 2350, num=10000)
_, spect = cars.signal_as(temperature=1750,

_, ax = plt.subplots(1)
ax.plot(nu, spect/spect.max())
ax.set_ylabel(r'$I$ [-]')
ax.set_xlabel(r'$\nu$ [cm$^{-1}$]')

Apply a slit function

# create random noise
noise = np.random.rand(120)

# a mock slit function
slit_fcn = asym_Gaussian(nu, 1/2*(nu[0] + nu[-1]),
                         1.2, 1.2, 0.14, 0., 0)

# convolve the spectrum with the slit function
spect_conv = np.convolve(spect, slit_fcn, 'same')

# downsample a segment and add noise to synthesize an expt. spectrum
nu_expt = np.linspace(2280, 2345, num=120)
expt_spec = downsample(nu_expt, nu, spect_conv) + noise*8000 - 3000

_, ax = plt.subplots(1)
ax.plot(nu_expt, expt_spec/expt_spec.max())
ax.set_ylabel(r'$I$ [-]')
ax.set_xlabel(r'$\nu$ [cm$^{-1}$]')

Fit CARS spectra

Initialize the fit

modes = {'power_factor' : 0,         
        'downsample' : 'local_mean',
        'slit' : 'sGaussian',
        'pump_ls' : 'Gaussian',
        'chi_rs' : 'G-matrix',  
        'convol' : 'K',
        'doppler_effect' : False,
        'chem_eq' : False,
        'fit' : 'custom'}
fit_expt = CarsFit(expt_spec, nu_expt, fit_mode=modes, ref_fac=80)

Control the fitting parameters

params = (('temperature', 2000, True, 250, 3000),
          ('del_Tv', 0, False, 0, 500),
          ('x_mol', 0.79, False, 0.2, 1.5),
          ('nu_shift', 0, True, -1, 1),
          ('nu_stretch', 1, False, 0.5, 1.5),
          ('pump_lw', 0.2, False, 0.1, 10),
          ('param1', 1.2, False),
          ('param2', 1.2, False),
          ('param3', 0.14, False),
          ('param4', 0, False))

Perform the least-square fit

fit_expt.ls_fit(add_params=params, show_fit=True)
[[Fit Statistics]]
    # fitting method   = leastsq
    # function evals   = 41
    # data points      = 120
    # variables        = 4
    chi-square         = 0.03175832
    reduced chi-square = 2.7378e-04
    Akaike info crit   = -980.451086
    Bayesian info crit = -969.301119
##  Warning: uncertainties could not be estimated:
    param5:       at initial value
    param5:       at boundary
    param6:       at initial value
    param6:       at boundary
    x_mol:        0.79 (fixed)
    temperature:  1769.71918 (init = 2000), model_value = 2000
    del_Tv:       0 (fixed)
    nu_shift:    -0.08683537 (init = 0), model_value = 0
    nu_stretch:   1 (fixed)
    pump_lw:      0.2 (fixed)
    param1:       1.2 (fixed)
    param2:       1.2 (fixed)
    param3:       0.14 (fixed)
    param4:       0 (fixed)
    param5:             -inf (init = -inf), model_value = -inf
    param6:             -inf (init = -inf), model_value = -inf

Batch processing

Although there is no built-in method for batch fitting single-shot CARS spectra, it is relatively easy to parallelize the fitting processes to speed up computation. The following is an example implementation with joblib.

First, define a function that wraps around the module carspy.CarsFit used above:

from joblib import Parallel, delayed

def single_fit(expt_spec, nu, modes, params):
    fit_expt = CarsFit(expt_spec, nu_expt, fit_mode=modes, ref_fac=80)
    fit_expt.ls_fit(add_params=params, show_fit=False)
    # optionally save the single fits to a specific directory 'save_dir'
    # fit_expt.save_fit(save_dir, "%d" % (frame,))

Then, initiate parallel computation by assigning a larger than 1 integer value to n_jobs joblib.Parallel (check the number of available CPU cores first):

Parallel(n_jobs=4, verbose=10)(delayed(single_fit)(
         expt_spec, nu, modes, params) for _ in range(8))
[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Using backend LokyBackend with 4 concurrent workers.
[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Done   2 out of   8 | elapsed:    9.9s remaining:   29.8s
[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Done   3 out of   8 | elapsed:    9.9s remaining:   16.6s
[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Done   4 out of   8 | elapsed:    9.9s remaining:    9.9s
[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Done   5 out of   8 | elapsed:   18.1s remaining:   10.8s
[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Done   6 out of   8 | elapsed:   18.1s remaining:    6.0s
[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Done   8 out of   8 | elapsed:   18.2s remaining:    0.0s
[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Done   8 out of   8 | elapsed:   18.2s finished
[None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None]