Source code for carspy.cars_fit

"""Least-square fit of experimental CARS spectra."""
from pathlib import Path
from functools import wraps, partial
import numpy as np
from .cars_synth import CarsSpectrum
from .convol_fcn import asym_Gaussian, asym_Voigt
from .utils import pkl_dump, pkl_load, downsample

    from lmfit import Model
    from lmfit.printfuncs import report_fit
    _HAS_LMFIT = True
except Exception:
    _HAS_LMFIT = False

def _ensureLmfit(function):
    if _HAS_LMFIT:
        def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
            return function(*args, **kwargs)
        wrapper.__doc__ = function.__doc__
        return wrapper

    def no_op(*args, **kwargs):
        _message = ("lmfit module is required for carrying out the built-in "
                    "least-square fit. Please install lmfit first or build "
                    "custom fit routines based on cars_expt_sync().")
        raise Exception(_message)
    no_op.__doc__ = function.__doc__
    return no_op

[docs]def bg_removal(spec, bg=None): """Subtract background from spectrum and normalize it by its peak. Parameters ---------- spec : 1d array Spectrum. bg : None, 1d array, optional Background noise. Return ------ id array Background-subtracted, peak-normalized spectrum. """ if bg is not None: _spec = (np.array(spec) - np.array(bg)).flatten() else: _spec = np.array(spec).flatten() return _spec/_spec.max()
[docs]@_ensureLmfit def slit_fit(nu, spec, init_params=None, lineshape='sGaussian', power_factor=1., eval_only=False, save_fit=False, dir_save=None, file_name=None, **kwargs): r"""fitting the experimental slit function with a chosen lineshape .. attention:: It is recommended to always look for initial parameters by using the `eval_only` option to roughly match the shape of the experimental slit function. The built-in initial parameters may not work for all the cases. Parameters ---------- nu : 1d array of floats Spectral positions in [:math:`\mathrm{cm}^{-1}`]. spec : 1d array of floats Experimentally obtained slit function, usually an isolated atomic line from a calibration lamp. init_params : dict, optional Initial fitting parameters for the lineshape. Refer to :mod:`carspy.convol_fcn.asym_Voigt` and :mod:`carspy.convol_fcn.asym_Gaussian` for the required arguments. lineshape : str, optional Type of the lineshape, by default 'sGaussian'. Choose between 'sGaussian' and 'sVoigt'. eval_only : bool, optional If true, returns the evaluation with given initial parameters. save_fit : bool, optional If true, fit results will be saved in a pickle file. dir_save : str, optional If `save_fit` is true, a string to the desired directory for saving. file_name : str, optional If `save_fit` is true, specify the file name without file extension. Other Parameters ---------------- **kwargs: Keyword arguments of the `` method from the module `lmfit`. Returns ------- 1d array If `eval_only` is true, the evaluation result is returned. """ if lineshape == 'sGaussian': slit_func = partial(asym_Gaussian, power_factor=power_factor) elif lineshape == 'sVoigt': slit_func = partial(asym_Voigt, power_factor=power_factor) else: raise ValueError("Please choose between 'sGaussian' and 'sVoigt'") slit_func.__name__ = 'slit_func' fit_model = Model(slit_func, independent_vars='w', ) if init_params is None: init_params = ( ('w0', 0, True), ('sigma', 2, True, 0.01, 10), ('k', 2, True, 0, 10), ('a_sigma', -0.8, True, -5, 5), ('a_k', 1, True, -5, 5), ('sigma_L_l', 0.1, True, 0.01, 5), ('sigma_L_h', 0.1, True, 0.01, 5), ('offset', 0, True, 0, 1) ) params = fit_model.make_params() params.add_many(*init_params) if eval_only: return fit_model.eval(params, w=nu) else: fit_result =**power_factor, params, w=nu, **kwargs) report_fit(fit_result, show_correl=True, modelpars=params) fit_result.plot() if save_fit and dir_save and file_name: path_write = Path(dir_save) / (file_name + '.pkl') pkl_dump(path_write, fit_result)
[docs]class CarsFit(): """Fitting experimental CARS spectrum. .. note:: It can also be used to fit the laser linewidth or slit function. """ def __init__(self, spec_cars, nu_spec, ref_fac=100., bg_cars=None, spec_stokes=None, bg_stokes=None, fit_mode=None, **kwargs): r"""Input measured CARS spectrum and its background. Parameters ---------- spec_cars : 1d array of floats Measured CARS spectrum. nu_spec : 1d array of floats Spectral range (axis) of the supplied CARS spectrum in [:math:`\mathrm{cm}^{-1}`]. This can either be absolute values or Raman shifted ones. ref_fac : float Refining factor based on the supplied spectral domain, by default 100. This factor is used in the fitting procedure to synthesize spectra with much higher spectral resolution to be compared (after downsampling) with the supplied (expt.) CARS spectrum. Higher value will result in more accurate spectra at the cost of CPU time. bg_cars : 1d array of floats Background noise for the measured CARS spectrum. spec_stokes : 1d array of floats Measured broadband Stokes profile (usually with Ar), by default None. If not supplied, it is assumed that `spec_cars` is already corrected by the Stokes profile. bg_stokes : 1d array of floats Background noise for the measured Stokes profile. fit_mode : dict, optional A dictionary containing the control parameters used to perform the CARS fit. By default: power_factor : 0 0 (fit I) or 1 (fit sqrt(I)). downsample : 'local_mean' Choose between 'local_mean' (highly efficient custom algorithm) and 'interp' (interpolation with :mod:`numpy.interp`). slit : 'sVoigt' Choose between (asymmetric) 'sVoigt' and 'sGaussian' as the slit impulse response function, see the documentations for :mod:`carspy.convol_fcn.asym_Voigt` and :mod:`carspy.convol_fcn.asym_Gaussian`. 'sGaussian' will be deprecated in future updates. pump_ls : 'Gaussian' 'Gaussian' or 'Lorentzian' laser lineshape. chi_rs : 'G-matrix' Choose between 'isolated' and 'G-matrix' for the consideration of pressure effects. convol : 'Kataoka' 'Kataoka'/'K' (double convolution) or 'Yuratich'/'Y' (single convolution). doppler_effect : True Whether or not to consider Doppler effect on the Raman lineshape. chem_eq : False Whether or not to assume chemical equilibrium during the fit. fit : 'custom' Type of build-in fitting setups: 'T_x' or 'custom'. - 'T_x': fitting variables related to the experimental setup (e.g., spectrometer) are inheritted from an existing fit and fixed. Only temperature and species concentrations are by default allowed to vary. - 'custom': all fitting variables need to be provided before a fit can process. See :mod:`carspy.cars_fit.CarsFit.ls_fit` for details. Other Parameters ---------------- **kwargs: This method also allows the keyword arguments found for initializing :mod:`carspy.cars_synth.CarsSpectrum`. """ # settings for the fit if fit_mode is None: self.fit_mode = {'power_factor': 0, 'downsample': 'local_mean', 'slit': 'Voigt', 'pump_ls': 'Gaussian', 'chi_rs': 'G-matrix', 'convol': 'Kataoka', 'doppler_effect': True, 'chem_eq': False, 'fit': 'custom' } else: self.fit_mode = fit_mode # create subset of synth mode for CarsSpectrum self.synth_mode = {'pump_ls': self.fit_mode['pump_ls'], 'chi_rs': self.fit_mode['chi_rs'], 'convol': self.fit_mode['convol'], 'doppler_effect': self.fit_mode['doppler_effect'], 'chem_eq': self.fit_mode['chem_eq'], } # subtract background (optional) and normalize by max self.spec_cars = bg_removal(spec_cars, bg_cars) if spec_stokes is not None: self.spec_stokes = bg_removal(spec_stokes, bg_stokes) if len(self.spec_stokes) != len(self.spec_cars): raise ValueError("The length of spec_cars needs to be " "identical to that of spec_stok") else: self.spec_stokes = spec_stokes # fixed properties = nu_spec self.ref_fac = ref_fac if len( != len(self.spec_cars): raise ValueError("The length of spec_cars needs to be identical " "to that of nu_spec") # setup CarsSpectrum self.spec_synth = CarsSpectrum(**kwargs) # define fit result self.fit_result = []
[docs] def preprocess(self, w_Stokes=0, nu_Stokes=0, crop=None, bg_subtract=False, bg_offset=0, bg_loc=None): r"""Prepare the raw data for the fitting. Parameters ---------- w_Stokes : float, optional Center wavelength of the Stokes (e.g., dye laser) beam in [nm], by default 0. nu_shift : float, optional Center wavenumber of the Stokes beam in [:math:`\mathrm{cm}^{-1}`], by default 0. In essence, `w_Stokes` and `nu_Stokes` are equivalent. crop : list, optional Two indices to crop the spectrum with, by default None. Needs to be adjusted based on the experimental setup. bg_subtract : bool, optional If True, an extra offset specified by `bg_offset` or determined within `bg_loc` is subtracted from the spectrum. This is not recommended as there shouldn't be any physical background left if backgrounds are subtracted properly from the experimental spectrum beforehand. This might help if S/N is bad. By default it is set to False. bg_offset : float, optional Value used as background to subtract, be default 0. This is ignored if `bg_log` is provided. bg_loc : list, optional Two indices to select the part of spectrum as background, only used if `bg_subtract` is True. """ # remove very small values in the argon spectrum if self.spec_stokes is not None: self.spec_stokes[self.spec_stokes <= 1e-3] = 1e-3 self.spec_cars = self.spec_cars / self.spec_stokes # extra background removal (USE WITH CAUTION) if bg_subtract: if bg_loc is not None: _bg = self.spec_cars[bg_loc[0]:bg_loc[1]].mean() else: _bg = bg_offset self.spec_cars = self.spec_cars - _bg self.spec_cars[self.spec_cars < 0] = 0 # crop signal and spectral axis and re-normalize if crop is not None: self.spec_cars = self.spec_cars[crop[0]:crop[1]] =[crop[0]:crop[1]] # take the square root if 'power_factor' is 1 self.spec_cars = self.spec_cars**(0.5**self.fit_mode['power_factor']) self.spec_cars = self.spec_cars/self.spec_cars.max() # convert the spectral axis to relative wavenumber to match # the CARS program if w_Stokes != 0: = - 1e7/w_Stokes else: = - nu_Stokes
[docs] def cars_expt_synth(self, nu_expt, x_mol, temperature, del_Tv, nu_shift, nu_stretch, pump_lw, param1, param2, param3, param4, param5, param6): r""" Synthesize a CARS spectrum based on the experimental spectral domain. Parameters ---------- nu_expt : 1d array of floats The spectral axis determined in the experiment. This is used as the independent variable during the fit. x_mol : float Mole fraction of probed molecule. temperature : float Temperature in the probe volume in [K]. nu_shift : float Shift applied to correctly center the spectrum in [:math:`\mathrm{cm}^{-1}`]. nu_strech : float Strech applied to nu to compensate for incorrect dispersion calibration. pump_lw : float Pump laser linewdith in [:math:`\mathrm{cm}^{-1}`]. del_Tv : float The amount vibrational temperature exceeds the rotational temperature. param1, param2, param3, param4, param5, param6 : float Fitting parameters for the slit function Return ------ 1d array Syntheiszed and downsampled CARS spectrum to match the length and spectral resolution of the measured spectrum. The spectrum is normalized by its peak value. """ # shift the experimental spectral axis and refine it nu_expt = nu_expt*nu_stretch + nu_shift # using magnification to refine the grid _fine_factor = self.ref_fac _del_nu = nu_expt[1] - nu_expt[0] _nu_expt_pad = np.pad(nu_expt, (5, 5), 'reflect', reflect_type='odd') nu_f = np.arange(start=_nu_expt_pad[0], stop=_nu_expt_pad[-1], step=_del_nu/_fine_factor) # calculate the slit function nu_slit = [] if self.fit_mode['slit'] == 'sGaussian': nu_slit = asym_Gaussian(w=nu_f, w0=(nu_f[0]+nu_f[-1])/2, sigma=param1, k=param2, a_sigma=param3, a_k=param4, offset=0) elif self.fit_mode['slit'] == 'sVoigt': nu_slit = asym_Voigt(w=nu_f, w0=(nu_f[0]+nu_f[-1])/2, sigma=param1, k=param2, a_sigma=param3, a_k=param4, sigma_L_l=param5, sigma_L_h=param6, offset=0) # calculate the CARS spectrum _, I_as = self.spec_synth.signal_as(x_mol=x_mol, temperature=temperature, nu_s=nu_f, pump_lw=pump_lw, del_Tv=del_Tv, synth_mode=self.synth_mode) # convolute the slit function with the CARS spectrum I_as = np.convolve(I_as, nu_slit, 'same') # downsampling to the experimental spectral grid I_as_down = downsample(nu_expt, nu_f, I_as, mode=self.fit_mode['downsample'])**( 0.5**self.fit_mode['power_factor']) return np.nan_to_num(I_as_down/I_as_down.max())
[docs] @_ensureLmfit def ls_fit(self, add_params=None, path_fit=None, show_fit=False, eval_only=False, **kwargs): """ Fitting the experimental CARS spectrum. .. attention:: The least-quare fit module ``lmfit`` is necessary for this method. Please be aware that certain Python versions may not be supported by ``lmfit``. For displaying the fit results ``matplotlib`` will be needed as well. Parameters ---------- add_params : nested tuple, optional List of parameters controlling the fitting process. This option can be used to modify these initial parameters: .. code-block:: python (('temperature', 2000, True, 250, 3000), ('del_Tv', 0, False), ('x_mol', 0.6, x_mol_var, 0.2, 1.5), ('nu_shift', fit_params['nu_shift'], False), ('nu_stretch', fit_params['nu_stretch'], False), ('pump_lw', fit_params['pump_lw'], False), ('param1', fit_params['param1'], False), ('param2', fit_params['param2'], False), ('param3', fit_params['param3'], False), ('param4', fit_params['param4'], False), ('param5', fit_params['param5'], False), ('param6', fit_params['param6'], False)) Each element of the nested tuple has the following element in order: variable_name : str All the arguments of :mod:`carspy.cars_fit.CarsFit.cars_expt_synth` are admissible variables except for the independent variable `nu_expt`. initial_guess : float Initial guess or fixed value set for this variable. variable : bool Determine if the variable is fixed (False) or not (True) during the fit. lower_bound : float Lower boundary for the fitting variable. If not provided, negative infinity will be assumed. upper_bound : float Upper boundary for the fitting variable. If not provide, positive infinity will be assumed. For more details refer to the documentation of ``lmfit.Model``. path_fit : str Path to the `.pkl` file of fitting result created by :mod:`carspy.cars_fit.CarsFit.save_fit`. This allows importing the fitting result of an existing spectrum, such that the inferred values of certain parameters (such as those related to the spectrometer) could be re-used in the next fit. A standard use case for this would be the fitting result of a room-temperature spectrum. This is needed if the `fit` in `fit_mode` of :mod:`carspy.cars_fit.CarsFit` is set to `T_x`. show_fit : bool, optional If True, the fitting results will be reported and plotted. This is done via built-in functions in ``lmfit``. Other Parameters ---------------- **kwargs: Keyword arguments of the `` method from the module `lmfit`. """ # general setup fit_model = Model(self.cars_expt_synth, independent_vars=['nu_expt']) initi_params = [] # different fitting modes if self.fit_mode['fit'] == 'T_x': if path_fit is None: raise ValueError("Please provide path to a .pkl file " "containing the fitting result of a spectrum") x_mol_var = not self.fit_mode['chem_eq'] fit_params = pkl_load(path_fit).params initi_params = (('temperature', 2000, True, 250, 3000), ('del_Tv', 0, False), ('x_mol', 0.6, x_mol_var, 0.2, 1.5), ('nu_shift', fit_params['nu_shift'], False), ('nu_stretch', fit_params['nu_stretch'], False), ('pump_lw', fit_params['pump_lw'], False), ('param1', fit_params['param1'], False), ('param2', fit_params['param2'], False), ('param3', fit_params['param3'], False), ('param4', fit_params['param4'], False), ('param5', fit_params['param5'], False), ('param6', fit_params['param6'], False)) if self.fit_mode['fit'] == 'custom' and add_params is None: raise ValueError("Please specify fitting parameters first " "using add_params") params = fit_model.make_params() params.add_many(*initi_params) if add_params is not None: params.add_many(*add_params) if eval_only: return fit_model.eval(params, else: self.fit_result =, params,, **kwargs) if show_fit: report_fit(self.fit_result, show_correl=True, modelpars=params) self.fit_result.plot()
[docs] def save_fit(self, dir_save, file_name): """ Save the fitting results in a pickle file. Parameters ---------- dir_save : path A valid local directory. file_name : str File name of the pickle file to be saved. """ path_write = Path(dir_save) / (file_name + '.pkl') pkl_dump(path_write, self.fit_result)